

2 • Daveed1320 •
  1. Caro-Kann trap
  2. Sollar Gambit trap
  3. Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Gambit
  1. Daveed1320

The Rousseau Gambit

1101 • Phil224 •
  1. What Is The Rousseau Gambit?
  2. Rousseau Gambit Accepted: Jasdoln Variation, Breker Defence, Main Line
  3. Rousseau Gambit Accepted: Jasdoln Variation, Breker Defence, 6...Bb5?
  4. Rousseau Gambit Accepted: Jasdoln Variation, 5.Qe2??
  1. Phil224
  2. Bosburp
  3. The_Inverse_Tangent

Stafford Gambit

1 • Varunteja1996 •
  1. Stafford Gambit accepted : Overview
  2. Stafford Gambit : The Big trap - 5. d3 Bc5 6. Bg5
  3. Stafford Gambit : 5. e5 Ne4 6. d4
  4. Stafford Gambit : 5. e5 Ne4 6. d3
  1. Varunteja1996

The Ponziani Gambit

1067 • Phil224 •
  1. What Is The Ponziani Gambit?
  2. Ponziani Gambit: Urusov Gambit, Keidansky Gambit, Main line
  3. Ponziani Gambit: Urusov Gambit, Keidansky Gambit, 5...Nd6
  4. Ponziani Gambit: Urusov Gambit, Keidansky Gambit, Quelson Defence
  1. Phil224
  2. The_Inverse_Tangent

The Ponziani Opening

7 • Aqua-Lung •
  1. The Ponziani Opening
  2. The Ponziani Opening - Practice
  3. 3...Nf6
  4. 3...Nf6 Ponziani trap [1]
  1. Aqua-Lung

Crush the Caro-Kann defense interactive

14 • Aallusion •
  1. Introduction
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. Aallusion

Danish Gambit

2 • nFlamel •
  1. The Danish Gambit
  2. Bc5
  3. Bc4+
  1. nFlamel

Traps in the English Opening

4 • ilyes_dev •
  1. Trap 1
  2. Trap 2
  3. Trap 3 (counter trap to trap 2)
  4. Trap 4
  1. ilyes_dev

The Lewis Gambit (Interactive Version)

373 • Phil224 •
  1. What is the Lewis Gambit?
  2. Lewis Gambit: Obihu Gambit, Frocker-Celt Defence, 6...Nc6
  3. Lewis Gambit: Obihu Gambit, Frocker-Celt Defence, 6...d6
  4. Lewis Gambit: Obihu Gambit, Bås Variation
  1. Phil224
  2. The_Inverse_Tangent

Openings Quiz

2 • sicilian_drago •
  1. Info Before We Begin
  2. 2: 1.e4 Quiz 1
  3. 2.1: 1.e4 Quiz 1.1
  4. 2.1: 1.e4 Quiz 1.2
  1. sicilian_drago

juvanabel's Study

1 • juvanabel •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. juvanabel
  2. game
  3. kip9
  4. ipo

Opening Traps

8 • HighlandCow2021 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Fishing pole trap part 1
  3. Fishing pole trap part 2
  4. Englund trap
  1. HighlandCow2021

The Closed Sicilian | Zug-Zwang-Championship

362 • FM Zig_Zag_Zug_Zwang •
  1. Welcome!
  2. How to study this course
  3. Chapter 1 | 2. Nc6 3. Bb5 Nd4
  4. Interactive Lesson | The first moves
  1. FM Zig_Zag_Zug_Zwang

Magn16's Study

1 • Magn16 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. Magn16

The Fried Liver

37 • OneAndOnlyChessGod •
  1. Introduction
  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. The Fried Liver
  4. Fried liver against four knights
  1. OneAndOnlyChessGod

The Alien Gambit

62 • OneAndOnlyChessGod •
  1. Introduction
  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Alien gambit
  4. Martian gambit
  1. OneAndOnlyChessGod